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Year 7 Trip to the University of Gloucestershire

Year 7 visit the University of Gloucestershire's Oxstalls campus for an Insight to University Day - Sponsored by GROWS.

GROWS is a Gloucestershire organisation set up to increase awareness of the benefits of a university education and they have kindly sponsored a visit by Year 7 to visit the University of Gloucestershire's Oxstalls campus for an Insight to University Day, the first of which took place today (Friday 21st July) with the 2nd half of the year group visit planned for Monday 24th July. Year 7s not only discovered the potential benefits of higher education, why they may want to consider this as an option when they reach 18 and the different educational routes to get there but they also had a tour of the campus to familiarise themselves with the facilities the Oxstalls campus has to offer. Students also got to taste what it was like to sit in a university lecture hall and had fun designing what their dream university would look like, as well as visiting the universities mock-up Magistrate's Court which gave them the opportunity to act out a real-life trial scenario.