The power of reading

World Book Day and Options Evening were just two of the events in another busy week
This week saw World Book Day, the day designated each year to celebrate and promote reading and all that it offers young and old alike. The importance of promoting reading was highlighted with the publication of research recently. It showed that children today read less frequently than any previous generation and enjoy reading less than young people did in the past.
At Severn Vale School, we do lots to promote reading because we believe it is so important? Why? Well there are numerous reasons. Firstly, there is a clear link between reading and attainment at school. One recent student study, by the Institute of Education, London University, examined the reading habits of 6,000 children. It indicated reading for pleasure was more important to a child's development than how educated their parents were. The researchers concluded a wide vocabulary helped children absorb information across the curriculum. In short, a student who has a narrow vocabulary may constantly be coming across things they do not understand. This in turn limits the student’s ability to process and remember information.
That’s one major reason. But it goes wider than that. Reading is one of life’s simple pleasures. It offers you an escape into different worlds and can open your eyes to all the world offers. In an age where people are increasingly worried about the stresses of daily life, reading offers the opportunity to help you relax, unwind and escape your worries.
So, it can make you smarter and is good for your well-being. If it were sold in pill-form, the demand for it would be off the scale.
I am proud that every student in KS3 reads every day they are in school. As parents, we can do lots to promote and encourage reading to our children. One of the best ways is to model to them. If we read, they are more likely to read. Some of you may have not picked up a book to read for pleasure in some time. Why not use World Book Day as a stimulus to change that.
Last night saw our options evening for the class of 2022. It was great to see so many of our Year 9 parents there and to have many conversations regarding your child’s choices. I believe we have a broad curriculum offer for our students with four options choices and a wide variety of subjects. Our KS4 curriculum has a strong academic core with options for students of all abilities. I know there will be many conversations over the next week finalising options choices. Remember final forms need to be in for next Friday, 13th March.
The forecast for the weekend is slightly better than we have seen recently. Let’s hope that spring is beginning to arrive! Whatever the weather, do enjoy a great weekend.
Richard Johnson