Here you will find all the information relating to the positions available. You will also find copies of the application form which can be downloaded and filled in electronically.
Thank you for your interest in a position at Severn Vale School. We look forward to receiving your application.
Severn Vale School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post.
Current Vacancies
Exam Invigilators
Reading Recovery Learning Partner
Student Support Officer
All of our teaching vacancies are also advertised on E-Teach
Safer Recruitment
In line with the school’s Safeguarding policy the recruitment of all staff is subject to the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, which came in to effect in 2008. This introduced a new vetting and barring scheme for all those working with children and young people.
This means that following pre-appointment checks will be carried out on all staff working in the school:
- references
- identity
- UK residence or permission to work in UK
- DBS enhanced disclosure (unless the person has continuity of employment)
- List 99 check
- overseas criminal record check (where necessary)
- medical fitness
- qualifications
- professional status (for qualified teachers, confirmation of registration with the General Teaching Council for England)
- complete induction and/or probationary period, as required for the position
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Safer Recruitment Policy