Headteacher's Blog 21-1-22

Netball fixtures aplenty this week for students in Years 7 - 11
The third week of a busy term is drawing to a close. I am pleased with the way that the overwhelming majority of students are applying themselves despite what continue to be challenging circumstances. The Covid picture both locally and nationally appears to be improving which is fabulous news. In school our case figures amongst students have remained relatively stable at a low level. We have seen a greater impact on staff this week although that is mostly as a result of their children contracting Covid at their primary schools!!
Given the improving picture, the Government have announced that we can dispense with face-masks in classrooms. That is definitely a relief for us all. We are still required to wear face-masks during lesson transition and in communal spaces until 27th January when hopefully that requirement will be lifted. Thank you for your continued support with this.
Whilst the end of widespread disruption is tantalisingly in sight, we do need to be aware that the risk for further disruption remains. The key to minimising this and keeping our students in school is testing and vaccination. Every positive asymptomatic case identified via an LFD test means a reduction in disruption by preventing further in-school transmission. We have good stocks of tests and I would encourage all students that can to participate in the programme. Details about the forthcoming vaccination programme were distributed earlier this week, as were details of how you can access the vaccination programme via walk-in clinics arranged locally.
Despite the ongoing Covid situation, more normal elements of school life are continuing. Yesterday a group of 40 Year 9 and Year 11 students went off on a trip to London. They have two days of cultural highlights to look forward to including watching the musical Wicked. One of the tragedies of the past 2 years has been the loss of opportunities for cultural experiences such as this. It would be great to think that experiences like this can become the norm, not an exception.
It’s been a busy week on the sporting front with Netball fixtures most evenings this week for our girls.
- Year 7 - had their first fixtures this week against Gloucester Academy and St Peter’s. In the face of some very tough opponents, they did themselves proud and they continue to make excellent progress. Grace Adeusi and Chloe Stower got players of the match.
- Year 8 - played Holmleigh Park in two different fixtures with both teams winning and losing one each. Macey Mustoe and Maddy Reeves got players of the match for the A team and Ibhaluko Inyinbor and Macy Holland for the B team. On Monday, the Year 8 A team had a fixture vs Crypt, winning 13-11 with some fantastic netball on display. Player of the match went to Macey Mustoe for her brilliant link up play and shooting. On Tuesday, both Year 8 teams were in action vs St Peters, the A and B teams fought hard in some very close matches. Players of the match went to Sophia Lamb and Jamie Lee Shephard.
- Year 9 - the A and B team played Holmleigh Park, with the A team winning and the B team losing. Players of the match went to Savannah Link and Ava Clare. The A team also played Crypt on Tuesday in a highly competitive match of fantastic quality; Ava Herbert got player of the match. On Thursday the girls won against St Peter’s, Lauren Lagan got player of the match.
- Year 10 - had their first fixture of 2022 against a very well drilled Crypt team, the girls performed amazingly well and lost out in a competitive game of very high quality. Liv Hudman got player of the match. On Thursday the team won at St Peter’s with Sophie Evans getting player of the match.
- Year 11 – also had their first fixture against St Peter’s, some fantastic attacking and defending led to an excellent win with Shanai Mitchell getting player of the match.
Netball at Severn Vale is in a fantastic place with huge numbers of students taking part in matches and attending training. The PE staff wanted me to pass on that it has been a pleasure to watch and attend fixtures with the girls!
This week also saw a group of 15 staff take part in one of the Runs for Ramarni that have been taking part in Gloucester every evening in January. The runs have been organised by Ramarni’s uncle to highlight the issue of knife-crime and to try to ensure something positive can come from Ramarni’s senseless death. It was genuinely heart-warming to see the community’s response. On the evening we ran there were over 150 people running and the response from the general public was inspiring. I can only hope that this positivity can be used to realise meaningful change.
And finally I would like to draw your attention to an event taking place at the end of the month: Train To Teach Gloucestershire at Pate’s Grammar School, Cheltenham, running from 4.30pm to 7pm on 27th January 2022. Whether you're ready to apply or are just starting to explore a teaching career, this is an opportunity to meet representatives of local providers in and around Gloucestershire and to find out about their courses and entry requirements. You’ll have the chance to meet current teachers and trainees and to:
- discover the teacher training options available in the county
- talk to teachers about real life in the classroom
- hear the advice & experience of current trainees
To register email jwiles@odysseytsh.org or call Jane Wiles on 01242 538276. Of course I am biased but I don’t think there is a more fulfilling career. If you are interested please do go along.
As always, I include my weekly reminder about Free School Meals eligibility. If your financial circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you click on this link you will find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
Have a great weekend.
NB Next Friday 28th January is an Inset day and school will be closed to students.
Kind regards
Richard Johnson