Headteacher's Blog 26-4-24

Caitlin C in Year 7's photograph of the Dubai skyline was one of the photographs that was given a special commendation in this year's Gloucestershire Young Photographer competition.
Another busy week is complete. Students in Year 11 have been completing their MfL orals whilst others have been completing their 10-hour ADT practical. All the students are to be commended for their positive attitude and application during these exams.
The main summer exams are now only two weeks away. I know that our teachers will be doing all they can to support and encourage the students to make the most of the final few weeks of lessons and to ensure they are as prepared as possible.
On Wednesday, 54 Year 7 students took part a Brass Instrument workshop provided by Brass Band England. The students had their first experience of making a note on a cornet or trombone, leading to playing some 5-note pieces. It certainly looked and sounded like an enjoyable experience which was met with great enthusiasm by the students. It was also clearly evident that we have lots of budding young brass players at Severn Vale.
It was great to have such a high level of interest. We are looking at running another workshop later this term and potentially setting up a training brass band as an enrichment activity in term 6. If you have any questions about your child continuing to play and learn a brass instrument, please contact Mr. Khokher (who is also a trombonist) by email: okhokher@severnvaleschool.com
Each year, students from Severn Vale take part in the Gloucestershire Young Photographer competition organised by the Cheltenham Camera Club. This is always a really popular competition with nearly 1000 entries from over 50 schools across the county. Whilst we didn’t get any entries into the final exhibition, the following students were highly commended by the judges:
Isabella B Year 7
Caitlin C Year 7
Keeley P Year 9
Darcie T Year 9
Edward W Year 10
Congratulations to them and to all who entered this great competition.
Last weekend our Year 9 rugby team took part in the annual rugby tour to Swansea. The boys played two games, one against Ysgol Cwm Bromblin and the second against a team from Morriston Rugby Club. In between the rugby, the boys had the opportunity to take part in a gorge walk, go to Laser Quest and enjoy the food at an all you can eat buffet!! Feedback from the staff who accompanied the boys was exemplary. That feedback was echoed by the hotel staff, which was lovely to hear.
There were two big quarter-finals for our U16 football teams. On Monday, the boys U16 team played Chosen Hill in the quarter-final of the County Cup, played at Meadow Park. It was a tight game that finished 2 – 2. It then went to a dreaded penalty shoot-out. Unfortunately, the boys lost that and so their cup run ended in the cruellest way. It’s been a successful season for the boys with some great football played.
On Tuesday the girls U16 team also played a quarter-final, away at KLB school. In a superb performance, the girls won 6 – 2 with goals from Elle (x2), Dotty, Kayleigh, Leilani and Chase, who scored an incredible free kick from the half way line!! The girls now go on to play the semi-final away at Downend School. We wish them luck in this fixture.
I include my weekly reminder about Free School Meals eligibility. If your financial circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you click on this link you will find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Kind regards,
Richard Johnson