Headteacher's Blog 20-12-24

The Big Sing was a real festive treat for all involved on the last day of term.
The Autumn term draws to a close today. It has been a busy term and one that has seen our students take part in a wide range of activities and this last week was no different.
My highlight this week (and indeed one of my highlights of the term) was this morning’s Big Sing. It was a joyful event with the Year 7s taking part with real gusto. There was a fabulous Christmas spirit evident and all involved seemed to really enjoy themselves. I am indebted to Ms Newport and Mr Horton for ensuring the Big Sing was once again a real triumph. I am also really pleased with the brilliant way the Year 7 students engaged with this activity. I know the Music department are working on an exciting follow-up project with The Music Works for those who have excelled in the Big Sing. More details will follow in the new year.
Another musical highlight was Thursday’s trip to Chestnut Court to perform a concert for their residents. The students involved entertained with a range of charismatic performances encompassing some festive R&B, Sean Mendez, ABBA (with audience participation) and Michael Bublé. The students were rewarded with lunch with the residents and (almost!) their weight in Haribo! Mr Khokher summed up the event as follows: a delightful end to a great term of music making with a smashing group of students!!
Each year our Librarian, Ms Beard, organises a “Ghost Story” writing competition for students in Year 7. The standard of the stories was really high, and it was clear that a lot of hard work had gone into the many entries. This made the judging really difficult and Ms Beard had to call in reinforcements to help her reach a decision. That decision was to award the prize to two students: Olivia K and Adam C. Well done to both.
As ever, I include my reminder about Free School Meals eligibility. If your financial circumstances have changed, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals. If you click on this link you will find guidance on the eligibility criteria and the application process. It's a quick process and we are notified of all FSM entitlements by Gloucestershire County Council each Monday. I would urge you to take a look if you think you may benefit from financial assistance.
All that is left for me to do is to wish you and your family and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will see the students again on Monday 6 January. It will be a week A.
Richard Johnson