University of Gloucestershire Business Breakfast

The University of Gloucestershire visits SVS to host a Business Breakfast for some year 10 students.
On Tuesday 30th January, the University of Gloucestershire came into school to run a Business Breakfast for Year 10 students interested in attending their Summer Residential Programme, which runs from Tuesday 16th - Friday 19th July 2024.
Having arrived at school for an 8am sharp start and filled up on pain au chocolate & doughnuts, over 35 Year 10s found out more information on what the universities' summer residential entails and how to apply. During the residential, students get to meet other students from across the country, live in halls of residence for 3 nights and try interactive subject tasters lead by university lecturers.
This programme is heavily oversubscribed with over 300 applications for 60 spaces, and SVS normally has around 6-8 students attend this programme each year.
More information can be found here.