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Information for Business

Our students are an amazing bunch! They come from a wide range of backgrounds, most living very locally to the school and possess a very wide range of academic ability and non-academic skills. We teach students from Year 7, (aged 11) to Year 11, (aged 16). We welcome voluntary business support, and especially value help with the following events:


Year Group


Approximate date(s)

Assembly Talks

Year 7 / 8

Short talks to inspire students and widen knowledge about specific roles.

All year

Breakfast Drop In

All Years

Short talks or drop ins at breakfast time, to inspire students and widen knowledge about general career areas, specific roles, training or courses.

All year

Work Experience

Year 10

All students are expected to arrange a week out in a work placement of their choice.


Advice concerning allowing young people in the work place can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website.

If you are able to help out with any of these events, or would be keen to come along and hold a breakfast time talk or drop in to advise students about your area of work, career area in general or when you have any apprenticeship or voluntary opportunities, please contact Ryan Jordan-Steele in the Careers Department on Tel: 01452 720458 ext 210 or Email: